Tofu & Vegetable Korma

A very creamy, mild curry that the whole family will enjoy.

The ‘cream’ in this curry is made from sunflower seeds blended with water until smooth. This makes a lovely creamy base while still using only wholefoods. Cashews would also work well here but I’ve gone with sunflower seeds to make this recipe nut free (they’re also much cheaper which is always a plus!).

My kids loved this curry, especially the tofu, and both had several helpings of it (which was pretty amazing considering my 4 year old didn’t even want to try it!).

For a spicier curry, add 1 more teaspoon of curry powder and/or some chilli powder to taste.

You can reheat leftovers in a pot or the microwave - just add a little more water as the sauce will thicken in the fridge.


Tofu & Vegetable Korma

Recipe by:
Yield: Serves 4
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 20 mins


¾ c sunflower seeds 1 block firm tofu (300g) 1 larger onion ½ head of cauliflower (4-5 cups of florets) 2 carrots 2 tsp curry powder 1 tsp garam masala 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp coriander 1 tsp ground ginger ½ tsp turmeric 1 tsp salt 2 Tbsp tomato paste 1 ½ c water plus more as needed


  1. Cover the sunflower seeds with boiling water and leave to soak.
  2.  Now we need to press out the liquid from your tofu.  Drain off any excess liquid and then place your tofu on top of a paper towel, then put another paper towel on top, and then something heavy and flat on top of that and leave to sit. This helps the tofu soak up the flavours from the sauce later.
  3. Meanwhile dice the onion and add fry it in a large pot at a medium-high heat. When they start to stick to the bottom of the pot add a few tablespoons of water, turn the heat down a bit and put the lid on the pot. 
  4. While the onion is cooking dice the carrots and chop the cauliflower into bite sized pieces.
  5. Add the vegetables to the pot and stir, add more water if needed and put the lid back on and leave for 4-5 minutes.
  6. Now, dice the tofu into 1 1.5cm cubes and add to the pot
  7. When the vegetables are nearly cooked add all of the spices and mix through.
  8. Next, drain the sunflower seeds and add them along with 1½ cups of fresh water to a blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
  9. Add the sunflower seed cream and tomato paste to the pot and stir.
  10. Taste and add more salt or some chilli powder if desired.
  11. Serve with rice and/or flatbread