Healthy Chocolate Icing

I’ve always loved the idea of making cupcakes with gorgeous piped icing on top but never really got into it because I just don’t like icing that much. Even as a child I always found icing too sweet (which seems crazy considering how much of my pocket money I spent on lollies and chocolate…). Then I had a thought - why not make icing that isn’t sickly sweet? Something that you can eat a whole fancy cupcake’s worth of icing without feeling ill afterwards while still seeming decadent.

So, here it is. Rich, chocolatey, and surprisingly healthy!

cupcake with icing swirl from the top

Don’t be put off by the pumpkin - you honestly can’t taste it but it gives it a lovely texture and some bulk, meaning you can use as much of this icing as you like and you won’t be overpowered by sugar and butter.

cupcake with icing swirl from the top

I’m pretty proud of my cupcake decorating attempt… I was surprised how simple it is to get a nice swirl once you stop thinking about what a ridiculous amount of icing you’re putting on. I’m sure there will be many new icing (and cupcake) recipes to come as I work on my decorating skills.


Healthy Chocolate Icing

Recipe by:
Yield: Makes around 2 cups


1 c cooked pumpkin 3/4 c icing sugar (I used coconut sugar blended until powdery) 1/4 c cocoa 3 Tbsp coconut butter 2-4 Tbsp unsweetened soy milk (or milk of choice)


Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until completely smooth. Start with 2 Tbsp of milk and add more if it’s too thick.